03 Dec How much does a Private Investigator Cost?
How Much Does a Private Investigator Cost?
How much does a private investigator cost? Well, that is an excellent question. Private investigation in Australia is a fairly small industry sector, although it is still a competitive one. There are a number of small operators giving the impression that they are larger than they actually are, and a few unscrupulous operators as well. All private detectives are required to be licensed in their states of operation and this can be confirmed with a simple check of the licensing authority in the state of operation. When you finish with this post please make sure you go to our home page and check out our media videos by clicking on this link https://lipstickinvestigations.com.au/
So how much does a private investigator cost ??…….. There are a variety of diverse services we offer and each product can vary in cost depending on the number of hours, and expertise required. And to make things more unknown, most investigations don’t come with a fixed charge because we don’t know how long it will take to get the answers required……. think about it logically – it makes total sense. This is especially true for related investigations.
Relationship Investigations
Nearly all spousal and relationship investigations today are solved by carrying out visual surveillance (following the subject) because this is one of the few legal directions we now have. Surveillance is charged at an hourly rate – not ‘per investigation’. How do I know how much does a private investigaor cost in these situations? It is a time-based exercise until the results come your way, although some customers do have a precise time frame that they need a private detective so they can work out what it will cost. For example, the partner may be going to a work Christmas party on a certain night or will be getting off a flight at a precise time. So the client will often know the exact venue and times they want their partner watched – they can pretty much lock in the cost because it is a one-off event and they will know the hours required. Of course, a private investigation can go the other side altogether with hours and days difficult to predict in the beginning.
How much does a private investigator cost as a guide?
Surveillance is charged at an hourly rate of $125 + GST per operative used on the job. Some investigations need two or even more operatives and the costs rise consequently.
It can be difficult to calculate the typical outlay for a surveillance assignment but we would advise that somewhere in the vicinity of $1500 and $3000 would be quite standard. Many assignments come in at a lesser charge, and some can go way over this average as well.
We have solved problems for as little as $550, and some customers have spent well into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Our surveillance rate of $125 + GST per hour is different from many agencies insomuch as it is a flat rate with everything included. One of our competitors advertises a rate of $80 per hour for his services, but a ‘4-hour package’ costs $750 once all the added costs are included.
A 4-hour surveillance investigation with Lipstick Investigations comes in cheaper at $550 because it is all-inclusive. We have done our best in this short article to tell you how much private investigator costs.
Other Methods of Investigation
Occasionally there may be another way to solve a personal relationship problem including background checks, general database inquiries, and computer, and mobile phone forensics. In these situations, we really have to discuss the circumstances of the issue and then we can work out how much does a privaste investigator cost in these alternate directions. You may be pleasantly surprised that many matters may be cheaper than you would have imagined. Call us at any time on 1300 LIPSTICK and we are only too happy to tell you how much private investigator costs. That’s what we are here for.
As a general guide, an investigation such as locating someone like a debtor, a long-lost family member, or a business associate is usually solved for under $1000. Background checks vary depending on what you are trying to achieve, but an average cost comes in around $1850 – $2500.
We also get all sorts of weird and wonderful inquiries which we can often help with and these sorts of private investigations can only be priced once we hear what is required, and what information you have to get us started. We do many simple assignments such as database research on persons, businesses, or property, and you may be surprised how cheap these types of investigation services can be – we are talking hundreds, not thousands.
Should you wish to contact us here at private investigator Sydney or Lipstick Investigations in Sydney or Brisbane, Gold Coast, or Tweed, please feel free to call us on 1300LIPSTICK, mobile on 0411 853 111 or email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au And remember, head to our home page to check out our media videos.
Posted at 02:22h, 25 JuneHow much do u charge to find someone workplace, I gave u her home address
Posted at 03:52h, 25 JuneLinda, we would most likely do this by following the person from home to work. If all went well we should have your answer within the 4 hour minimum charge (or $500). If you have any further questions could you please email us directly at enquiries@lipstckinvestigations.com.au
Katrina Matthews
Posted at 07:47h, 29 JuneI need to find my ex husband to get him served with divorce papers. I know the town but that is all. Is this a service you could provide? If so how much would i be looking at approx?
Thank you
Posted at 03:05h, 07 JulyHi there,
It is hard to put an exact cost on a service like this. The cost to locate a person depends on the actual circumstances. For example, someone trying to remain hidden is a lot harder to find than someone just going about their business. Typically though we charge an upfront fee of $400 to take on a locate job – this fee is non-refundable. If we can’t locate the subject there is nothing further to pay. If we do locate the person we charge an additional $400 as a success fee and then provide you with the address – this makes the end fee a total of $800. We don’t find everyone we set out to, and sometimes the direction of investigation can change half way through, but nothing extra is done without consulting you first. I would say our success rate is about 80% A circumstance such as yours I would imagine to be quite straightforward if your information is accurate.
Posted at 20:31h, 16 AugustHi I need to to find some information about a relative
Posted at 12:00h, 17 AugustHi there,
Private investigation is a very broad field and it is impossible to respond to an inquiry without some detailed information. A private investigator has emailed you directly to try and find out some more about what you are trying to achieve.
The Lipstick Team
Posted at 03:47h, 31 JulyHi: just enquire about could you find out someone’s personal details from the mobile number. and how is charge? Thanks
Posted at 06:25h, 15 AugustHi Stephen,
We don’t get access to the phone companies of course, so it isn’t as simple as that. We have a variety of other databases and methods that may achieve a result for you. typically we charge you $250 to take the job on. We then do everything we can to try and get the details that are required. If we can’t get the result, there is nothing further to pay. If we do come up with a name and address, an additional $500 is payable.
Posted at 13:09h, 16 Augusthi
I need to find out if my father is cheating on my mother with another woman but he’s Korean and surrounds himself within the society in Sydney. How much would this cost?
Posted at 00:55h, 19 AugustThis would come down to surveillance – have him followed and observed and see where he goes, who he meets, and what he gets up to. This is just costed at an hourly rate of $125, but how many hours are required is anyone’s guess. Give us a call on 1300LIPSTICK and have a chat to David – he will be able to sort something out for you.
Posted at 12:47h, 18 AugustHey I’m looking into finding my father. I found his abn online but nothing else. I was wondering how much would it cost to track him down?
Posted at 00:57h, 19 AugustTypically re require an upfront payment of $400 to commence a location investigation. From this point we go away and do all our searches. If we can’t find your father we do not charge you anything further. If we do locate a current address, we charge an additional fee of $400 as a success fee (making the total $800). If you have any other questions just call David on 1300LIPSTICK and he can help you out. Alternatively email him at david@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
anne antoniou
Posted at 11:28h, 26 Augusthi. needing to find out if someone has left the country or is still here. had an accident where it was the other persons fault and cant find him to serve him . we have a lawyer and been to court several times but it keeps getting adjouned as the other lawyer says driver been deported. I don’t believe this at all. the owner of the car was served but were told we must chase the driver who happens to be her fiancé or now husband. was told to call immigration but they tell me must go through police. call cops and they say ask lawyer. tell lawyer he says he cant call immigration. vicious cycle getting nowhere. what do you suggest in finding this moron driver? have his details. can we use you guys. how much please? thank you.
Posted at 00:58h, 27 AugustHi Anne,
I’m afraid that private investigators do not get access to information such as travel records, flight info, or immigration and customs details – all this is protected by privacy laws. There are other things we could do for you, but it is a matter of cost vs benefit. To locate a person we charge an upfront, non-refundable fee of $400. If we can’t find him then there is nothing further to pay, but we do keep the fee to cover and time and costs. If we are successful we charge a ‘success fee’ of an additional $400. This would be for a guaranteed address. If you would like to proceed, or if you have any further questions please email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Denis Scanlon
Posted at 15:12h, 27 AugustDear Sir or Madam,
I have a friend who lives in the Dandenong area of Melbourne. He loaned money to a person to allow this person to educate her daughter. The money was lent on a signed contractual basis, the person received the money and agreed to return the money (approximately $30K) . Those person/s borrowing the money are a woman and her daughter (both Asian born) .
My understanding is the person providing the funding has very little hope of receiving his money back via normal channels.
Although the borrower avoids returning the money there may be a way of convincing these people to return the funds rather than taking court action. As in doing so may lead to exposure.
Is there a way of obtaining some indication of the current financial position of this person?
Are they citizens of Australia.
What papers do the hold ?
Centre Link Benefits if any.
Can you indicate what advice you can offer at solving his needs. Can a private investigator help in the circumstance and can you advise a cost (approximately)
My name is Denis Scanlon Mobile 0412 342 192
Posted at 23:31h, 27 AugustHi Denis,
Licensed private investigators must work within the Australian privacy laws and for that matter do not get access to things like Centrelink, Immigration or bank accounts. What we can do here is do some asset searches which will concentrate on property holdings and major shareholdings – with the view being trying to establish if they have enough assets to make the costs of a court claim viable. An asset search such as this is usually around $500-600 but could be cheaper if we only target property ownership in one or two states (as opposed to Australia wide). This is one of those cases where the system works in favour of the scammer.
If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us at any time at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Posted at 09:03h, 28 AugustHi, I think my ex is letting his girl to be the owner of the business and he claimed that he was getting minimum wages. He can minimise the child support in this case. Can I find out how much he is getting from the business? Or prove he was underpay on purpose? They are living together, can I find out the financial arrangement between them? Basically I want to find out anything that they are not doing it legally. How much will these costs me roughly?
Posted at 01:06h, 29 AugustCarol,
This is a very difficult situation to prove. We do not get access to information such as bank accounts and the private finances of individuals. Typically the only way to prove that he is working is by carrying out surveillance (and possibly do some searches on the business ownership which might give some clues). Surveillance always gives a true indication of what is actually going on, but it can get quite costly at an hourly rate of $95. CSA normally needs you to prove the fact before they will act, and this could involve 40-60 hours (or more) of surveillance.
There is no short cut for you in this predicament. If you have any further questions just email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Posted at 08:11h, 06 SeptemberMy mum never told me who my dad was. Could you find that out?!
Posted at 01:51h, 07 SeptemberWe would need some information to get us started. We do not get access to historical medical records, so we can’t do it that way. Often the father isn’t listed anyway. If your Mum is the only person that knows the answer to this question, she will be the only source of information. If you come back to us with a name we will have more of a starting point.
Posted at 06:18h, 16 SeptemberHi I’m steven. I was wondering if it’s possible to find my biological father. Only info I have is either one of 2 names, I believe I know the type of car and color he was driving around time of my birth, I believe he had a daughter 2 yes older than myself. Is this enough information to work with?
Posted at 23:12h, 24 SeptemberHi Steven, I assume you will have an area or location that this all happened? If so we are definitely a chance. Email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au and send us exactly what information you have. We can then assess it for you and advise if there is direction.
Posted at 04:44h, 06 OctoberHi I’m Noime. How much does it cost if I ask you to take photos of the 2 person who’s making out together outside work? I need a good proof so they can get fired I need a good proof that they are dating outside work after work and etc..
Posted at 23:09h, 06 OctoberNoime, this is just charged at an hourly rate of $125. There is a 4 hour minimum charge each period, so perhaps you should consider watching them each afternoon after work until we see them together. We would expect that if they catch up regularly that it should only take a few days work. If you have any further questions please email us direct at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Posted at 07:14h, 10 OctoberHi my name is Lisa I am worried my girls are not in a safe invirment when they are go to there dad’s for visiting my youngest don’t like going there as he always yells at them and I am sure he dose drugs still but got no profe that he isn’t as good as he says what can I do and can I use the evidence uses get be used in Court
Posted at 23:23h, 10 OctoberWe can probably only solve this by carrying out a surveillance operation. However you have to realise that we won’t be able to film or record what is going on behind closed doors – we can only film what happens outside. So if we see any mistreatment outside of the home we can certainly use that in court. It is impossible to provide an end cost to something like this – all we can quote you is the hourly rate of $95. We would only have to watch him when he has the child so you can work out a surveillance schedule based on on those times.
Posted at 23:46h, 18 OctoberI have her name, age, phone no could you locate her home & work address, photos of her. Also can a phone that has been bent in half be repaired & any messages still visible / readable
Posted at 19:00h, 20 OctoberThis is a multi-directional investigation. firstly we have to locate the address which is done using database searches. costs vary depending on the initial information you provide but usually we charge an upfront fee of $400 to take the job on, followed by an additional $400 charged as a success fee when we find her.
Once we have the home address, we can then change over to surveillance. we would then follow her to work to ascertain the place of employment. at the same time we would be able to get photographs. Surveillance is charged at an hourly rate of $125.
As far as the bent phone is concerned, we would have to see the phone and hook it up to the equipment to find out. There is a fee of $250 to do this, and an additional $400 to proceed with the extraction. Additional costs apply if the extraction is successful. If the phone doesn’t power up I would suggest that we probably couldn’t get into it (we need it to be turned on to extract the information).
If you have any further questions please email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
vicki morris
Posted at 19:31h, 21 OctoberHi there , trying to find out if my sons father has been made redundant as claimed , he had made threats he wasn’t paying anymore because he just bought a house and then coincidentally he was apparently made redundant .CSA accepted this statement off him with no documentation. I know his mobile, address , parents address and he is on facebook.
they have told me I need to find the company he is actually working for which is the mines and not sure if he stays there when working….Is this going to be costly??? not in a huge financial position 🙁 Help
Posted at 23:28h, 21 OctoberHi Vicki,
Ascertaining if someone is working away in the mining industry can be difficult. Normally we would just follow the person to work and get an answer fairly quickly. But if he is in the mines then they work on a rotating roster and it could be long and drawn out process to get this information via surveillance. It may be possible to get the information by contacting him under some sort of pretext and having him tell us where he is working (without realising). This only costs a couple of hundred dollars to try – and if we are successful we charge a couple of hundred dollars more as a ‘success fee’. If this is something you may be interested in please email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Posted at 08:59h, 08 NovemberHi im trying to find my biological father stephen james jordan born 1954.. I have an address from like 20yrs ago. I have his 2 brothers and nephews but no one has seen my father in like 20+ yrs.. how much would it cost to find him.
Posted at 23:16h, 09 NovemberTypically re require an upfront payment of $400 to commence a location investigation. From this point we go away and do all our searches. If we can’t find your father we do not charge you anything further. If we do locate a current address, we charge an additional fee of $400 as a success fee (making the total $800). If you have any other questions just call David on 1300LIPSTICK and he can help you out. Alternatively email him at david@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Posted at 13:16h, 01 DecemberHi I think my boyfriends married
Can you find out the address linked to his car registration plate? If that is linked to his work can you find out his home address?
Posted at 23:53h, 01 DecemberNo, we do not get access to the car registration of driver licence database. That is not an available direction of investigation. There are many other ways we can locate a residential address – send us some more detail to enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au and we will see what we can do for you.
Posted at 01:51h, 03 JanuaryThis probably falls into our regular costing category of an upfront charge of $400 to commence the searches, followed by an additional $400 if and when we are successful (80% success rate). However, if the name you provide us is very common, and you don’t have any other detail at all we may struggle. For example, looking for JOHN SMITH with no other detail will be next to impossible because we will have too many results come up and we won’t be able to ascertain which result is the correct JOHN SMITH. Assuming the name is less common we should be ok. Most clients have SOME additional information such as a birthdate, or a middle name, or a last known address. This helps us cross a lot of names of the list, and hopefully leaving just the person you are after. If you would like to proceed with this investigation just email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Posted at 19:05h, 22 JanuaryHi I was just wondering if you can locate and get details of someone with just an abn number. The last place I knew they were was is Hamilton Island. I know their date of birth and full name other than that I have no other info.
Posted at 00:27h, 23 JanuaryHi there. We won’t be able to locate an address from the ABN as that sort of information is kept within the tax office which we do not have access to – but if you have the name and date of birth as you say, then we should be able to do it using a number of other methods. This will fall into our regular costing category of an upfront payment of $400 to commence the job, and then an additional $400 becomes payable if and when we locate the person. If you would like to proceed or if you have any other questions, just email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Posted at 13:03h, 13 FebruaryHi
My partner has a history of cheating.
Several of the times/places/activities he tells me about don’t add up. He knows I’m grilling him like I’m a detective & that I question anything that doesnt sit with me. I feel like I’ve played all my cards & shown my hand instead of keeping quite about things I’ve figured out. (Because I’m not a good lier for one and secondly because I just want to know once and for all if he’s changed.)
He had begun to cover his tracks more now that he knows I’m onto him but I still don’t have enough proof to convince myself to stay or leave. He’s very cluey and observant & possibly even suspicious which might make things hard. I don’t drive or perhaps I could do this myself.
I’m wondering what a PI would get done in an hour & if you need to just sit & wait for someone if the clock just keeps ticking? (Which I assume it would.)
Also can a PI be called on spec when behavior is suspicious rather then waiting around for something to happen.
Thanks for your time and assisting with my peace of mind.
Posted at 01:26h, 14 FebruaryWe have responded to this inquiry directly by the supplied email.
Posted at 01:02h, 24 FebruaryHi
I am trying to find out if my husband is cheating whilst he is on his fly out swing. He works in Karratha – WA – can you please advise if this would be extra costs to the $125/hr or alternatively check his deleted messages on his phone
Posted at 01:12h, 24 FebruaryI will talk to you at length via direct email, but basically an outpost such as Karratha is still the same hourly rate for investigation, but the client has to cover costs such as travel and accommodation. Usually our surveillance charges are all inclusive of mileage, travel time, video and report, but only if in our regularly services areas such as Sydney, Brisbane and Gold Coast. We have other affiliates around Australia that can assist on many investigations but we do not have someone already in Karratha.
Posted at 03:43h, 23 Marchhi, I am suspicious that my husband is having an affair outside .. how much is the cost to get his pictures with the mistress …I want him busted…thanks
Posted at 04:03h, 23 MarchSurveillance is charged at $125 per hour and there is a 4 hour minimum each time we leave the office. We charge a little more per hour than some other companies but our charges are ALL INCLUSIVE of GST, mileage, travel time to and from the start of the job, video, pictures, report and regular updates – so it is a flat rate per hour with no hidden charges at the end of the surveillance period/s. Basically, you give us a schedule of hours you want observations carried out and we do the rest. It is impossible to predict how long a job will take which is why we charge you by the hour. Email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au if you have any firther questions.
Payment is required in advance and can be done easily with a credit card (MasterCard, Visa, American Express), bank transfer, cheque or even Western Union. For example, if you book 4 hours we require a pre-payment of $500, 10 hours we need $1250 and 40 hours we will need $5,000.
Posted at 11:28h, 01 AprilHi is it possible to do a person history check in details?
Posted at 22:33h, 01 AprilKitty, there are many avenues of investigation to collect information on a person. Please email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au and provide us with some additional detail on your circumstances, and the actual information you are trying to find out.
Posted at 12:23h, 05 AprilHi, I am looking to find out where my father lives and other personal details about him etc. I only have his full name, birth date (unsure of the year) and I know that he used to live I. Brisbane about a decade ago :/ going from what I have been told, I know that he will be difficult to trace as he doesnt vote etc. Do you think that you would be able to locate him with this insignificant amount of information? I know it isn’t much. thanks
Posted at 22:38h, 05 AprilHi Shannon,
We will respond to you directly by email with more information, but yes, we are very hopeful to be able to find your father for you. Normally we only need a full name and a last known address to be able to track someone down. Additional details such as date of birth will assist of course but are not always necessary. Once we find him we can then look at ascertaining some other information although the direction of this investigation won’t be known until we have located him. Keep an eye out for our email!
Posted at 12:21h, 20 AprilHi, im adopted and im searching for my biological mother, I have mothers maiden name and fathers name and all other family member names. Father is deceased. I believe the adoption files are sealed at mothers request but im thinking of tracing by her name. Are we still able to find her? Thanks
Posted at 22:29h, 20 AprilHi Sharon,
We should be able to help with your inquiry – we can certainly have a look at it at least. These sorts of assignments are quite common but I do have to admit we don’t get an answer all of the time. Like with any private investigation we do not have the answers in front of us, but we have to go out and find them. Locating people is something we are very good at, but the issue we may come up with here is that the name you have for your biological mother is unlikely to be her current name as she has probably married at least once since you were born. So obviously the name you provide is not the name she will be known as now. There are plenty of things we can do for you though – and we may be able to get you some more information.
To commence this type of work we take an up-front retainer of $400 to start our investigation. If we can’t get anywhere or can’t identify the new name or location of your biological mother then there are no further charges. If we can gather some good detail and progress with the investigation another $400 will be due and we can continue with our search.
If you have any further questions just email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Posted at 17:51h, 26 AprilHi im worried about my son i have a feeling his hanging around the wrong people they use him for money i need to find out who they are and what they do and where they go and how much all this will cost thx
Posted at 00:00h, 27 AprilWe will contact you directly by email with more detail, but in short, this type of investigation will require a few different angles. Primarily we would be using surveillance to ascertain who these people are and what the get up to. Surveillance rates are just charged at $95 per hour so it will depend n how many hours are required to gather all of this information. Experience tells us that due to the number of persons you need identified, that this will be quite a big assignment and a fairly healthy budget would be required to be able to put the time in to see what is happening here. If you have any further questions please respond directly to the email we will send you.
Nicole Bayliss
Posted at 02:43h, 20 MayMy ex husband won’t pay child support, keeps defrauding the system, has lodged appeals to my change of assessment negotiations. I have some evidence but need more how much would this cost me roughly
Posted at 04:49h, 20 MayHi Nicole,
We will respond at length directly via email, but in short, these investigations are usually solved by carrying out surveillance to gather evidence that the person is working and how many hours they are working for. This evidence can then be presented to the CSA or Family Court to prove that he is being dishonest with system. All this is charged at our standard hourly rate of $95 all inclusive.
Lipstick Investigations
Posted at 06:13h, 20 MayHi, I think my sister is seeing a married guy and has given him substantial amount of cash. How much will it cost and what all information I have to provide you to confirm this.
Posted at 06:36h, 20 MayHi there,
This should be able to be solved by carrying out surveillance on the married guy and your sister to confirm that they meet up. Ascertaining if cash has been handed over is another issue though, and because we do not get access to a person’s financial records or bank accounts then this will be a very difficult thing to prove. We would need to know more about the circumstances. Basically all field work is charged at a flat hourly rate of $95 so it would depend on how long the investigation takes as to what the end cost may be. We have sent you some additional detail by email as well.
Lipstick Investigations
Posted at 05:07h, 03 JuneHi there ,how much is cost to find ,my lover home address ? I know where he work but dont know where he leaves. His been my lover for more then 8 years.we still see each other, l dont want to disturb him ,because i care for him very much .but i just want to know what sort of house n life at his home .
Thank you ,
Posted at 05:31h, 03 JuneSurveillance of any type pretty much just gets charged at an hourly rate, and a 4 hour minimum applies. So if all went well in the first four hours of investigation you should have your answer for as little as $380. We will respond to your private investigation inquiry at a little more length directly by email. If you have any other questions just drop us a line at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Posted at 02:15h, 18 JuneHow much you charge to find out the girl bother me I give u her mobile number , her name and Facebook . See where she live
Posted at 05:42h, 18 JuneTypically the cost to locate a person depends on the actual circumstances. For example, someone trying to remain hidden is a lot harder to find than someone just going about their business. Typically though we charge an upfront fee of $400 to take on a locate job – this fee is non-refundable. If we can’t locate the subject there is nothing further to pay. If we do locate the person we charge an additional $400 as a success fee and then provide you with the address – this makes the end fee a total of $800. We don’t find everybody for this price, but we would solve around 80% of assignments for this fee. If you have any questions please email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Posted at 10:08h, 06 JulyHi
I’m suspicious that my husband having a fear .he’s project manager he travels a lot .like house to house .I can’t effort to pay hourly rate cose of his job,is it possible to get fixed price .
Thank you
Posted at 10:16h, 06 JulySorry Tash, but it is impossible to say how long an investigation will take which is why we charge by the hour. What if you were wrong and he wasn’t having an affair and we couldn’t get a result for you? We can’t fix a price for this reason……..
Posted at 09:33h, 07 JulyHi, I need to find out the full name of the owner of a vehicle. I just need the full name, not address etc. I have the NSW rego. Are you able to help?
Posted at 02:11h, 08 JulyHi there. I am sorry, but licensed private investigators do not get access to information from Roads and Maritime (the old RTA). This is one of those areas where we have no access.
Posted at 13:28h, 23 JulyHi, I have a boyfriend and I think he might be gay but I’m not sure. I need to find out more before our relationship goes any further. Can you tell me how much this would cost?
Posted at 00:06h, 24 JulyThe end cost of hiring a private investigator is difficult to predict.
This particular investigation will come down to surveillance. We follow him and times indicated by you and ascertain his movements, what he is doing and who he is seeing. It is a relatively straightforward process but it is impossible to tell how long it may take to get a result. If he is living this lifestyle every day then it shouldn’t take too long at all to gather some evidence – but if he does this once a month for example then it will be up to your choice of surveillance periods as to when a result might fall your way. Some clients choose one or two periods, and some do around the clock surveillance for a month.
We just charge an hourly rate of $125 and a 4 hour minimum applies each time. So if you chose well, and got a result on the first period then you would have your information for as little as a few hundred dollars. It is up to a client to give us an idea of the times they want us on a job because they know more about the movements of the target than we do.
If you have any further questions email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Posted at 02:20h, 19 AugustMy spouse is working in Melbourne overseas from home. I learned my spouse has had an affair with a person in Melbourne . I have a picture but want to know who it is and if they are continuing to see each other. What would cost for this be?
Posted at 02:44h, 19 AugustHi Simmi,
We will respond to this inquiry directly be email, but in summary this falls within our normal pricing range of $125 per hour, all inclusive of taxes, mileage, video and report. We will keep you informed as to the movements of your partner during the investigation, and update you regularly as to his actions and whereabouts. Check your email for additional information.
Lipstick Investigations
Posted at 11:35h, 20 AugustI’m trying to locate my biological father. I know his full name but believe him to have left Australia in the 80s to go to Singapore. He may have returned or left for another country during this time. Would this be something you could help me with?
Posted at 00:18h, 21 AugustLocating birth parents and family is a specialty of ours and we are well practised in it. However when a search becomes international it can be more difficult, and more expensive. The big issue is that private investigators do not get access to immigration or travel information so we can’t track him by those means.
We would have to start at the beginning and go step by step. The first thing we would do is to search Australia for him because it is quite possible that he has returned and he could be here right under our noses. If we fail to find him here then we can go to a colleague of mine in Singapore and see what they can tell us.
Cost will be $400 to start the investigation. If we find him in Australia then an additional $400 becomes payable and we give you our results. If we can’t find him here then we go to Singapore and see what they can find. The charges for Singapore leg in the investigation are unknown at this point as we would have to make contact with our colleague over there and let them assess all of the information so they can work out what is needed. Alternatively we may be able identify and locate family in Australia who may be able to help ……….
We will email you directly with this same information, so if you have any further questions just respond to our email.
Posted at 13:03h, 22 AugustHi Lipstick Investigations – a needle in a haystack job for you (sorry)! I met an amazing woman in Melbourne waiting for a tram. She was from Sydney and in Melbourne for a visit. She loves Melbourne and is a frequent visitor. We had a pretty amazing conversation. Unfortunately she was rushing to catch a Skybus to the airport and I was rushing to catch a train. Apart from first names and other basics we didn’t end up exchanging any other details. Is there any chance of locating someone using suburb, first name, approximate age?
Posted at 01:28h, 23 AugustJames,
We have a number of databases which we can search by first name, and some of these have an date of birth category. We enter this information in a nominated suburb, and it gives us a shortlist of names. For $350 we can provide you this shortlist for you to carry out your own research by trawling through Facebook or possibly calling the supplied contact numbers on some of the results. We can carry out additional investigation as well if you require but the shortlist is your starting point. Of course the shortlist will be longer on a common name, and shorter if it is a less common name.
If this is a direction you would like to go, just email the details to us at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Posted at 13:25h, 07 Octoberhi my name is megan im trying to find my biological father i have 3 kids with not much family and would like to get to know them im on centerlink and dont get much money would it be possible for me to get help from someone as iam close to completely giving up and i refuse to marry my partner until i do
Posted at 22:38h, 07 OctoberMegan, email our private investigators at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au and they will run you through the costs which are dependent on what precise information you can provide to assist the investigation. Each assignment has differences and we need to know what we are looking at before providing any costing details.
Posted at 05:38h, 12 OctoberMy son is interested in a girl who says that she was a victim of a child sex slave syndicate which I suspect is lies due to a mental illness. I am concerned that my son is too gullible and his gigantic heart has led him to become her gullible savior. Is there anyway we can find out if there were police reports, pediatrician reports, medical reports, etc? They say that it was reported to the police and it also went to court, but I suspect it is all bate for some kind of scam.
What would it cost to determine the truth no these statements? The girl is 19 now but she has stated that she was a drugged and prostituted out (when she was 14 & 15) without knowing that she was being used for sex. She also says she has schizophrenia but in other respects appears normal. It is very weird stuff but we want to be able to help our son if he is being lured into a nut house. Her mother states that it is all true but we still don’t believe it. Thanks
Posted at 06:35h, 12 OctoberSteve,
I’m afraid private investigators do not get access to these sorts of private information. Anything to do with medical, criminal and and especially children is out of bounds. There are a few databases we can search relating to this sort of information but they are not from the government entities themselves. And even if we ran these searches the chance of coming up with the details on a particular case is still very small. But, this is all that we can do. The cost is fairly minimal at $220 fixed price because there are very few databases that we can legally search.
If you would like to proceed with this just email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Posted at 03:09h, 23 OctoberHi,
Can you find out if someone has been to a brothel? I have found chargers on my husbands credit card for one,he is saying someone has skimmed his card and used it. We have the bank investigating but my husband is dealing with it so I want to know for certain myself. In this case surveillance wouldnt work because I doubt he would do it again after being caught.
Posted at 03:37h, 23 OctoberHi Sammy,
Private investigators have no special database relating to brothels.There is no way of telling if a person has visited one without going there with a photograph and asking. Many establishments are very discreet and won’t assist, although some have helped us out over the years. It really depends on which brothel it was, and how long ago he may have visited – there is no ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer to an inquiry like this – we have to be given a chance to investigate. If this is something you think you might be interested in looking into further, just email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Posted at 11:42h, 10 Novemberi need to get a background check on someone who is befriending and old lady in a flat complex. a check for any criminal background like any scamming or such like. What would something like that cost?
Posted at 23:51h, 10 NovemberJohn,
Unfortunately private investigators do not get access to official criminal records as this is considered private information. There are some searches that we can carry out though, which can give an idea of criminality. Because there isn’t much we can do, the cost is fairly low at a fixed fee of $220 for us to do everything accessible.
The cost of a full-on background check starts at $1000 and heads north of there depending in the type of person we are investigating, and there profile and connections. If you would like to proceed with either option just email us back at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Posted at 12:16h, 01 DecemberHi, I think my girlfriend had an affair. She loves to talk to people and is openly flirty in front of me. Do you guys do that service where you have a decoy or see if someone will do more than just chat. What’s the cost of that service. Would be looking to
Minimise costs but can target times that she is by herself or sort of anyway.
Posted at 23:20h, 01 DecemberWe do offer this service but we really need to know more detail from you before we can give you a guideline on pricing on such a job. A normal private investigation can be costed at a fixed hourly rate, but decoy assignments like this need to be discussed at length and planned carefully. We have responded to you directly by email with some additional information and the next steps.
Posted at 18:47h, 19 DecemberHi I live in the central coast. My partner is flying out of Sydney airport in the 26/12/15 to Vancover. His ex wife lives Cherrybrook .He will typically leave me on Christmas Day to say his going to see his children and then I’m sure he will spend the night at his ex wife’s home in order to fly out 26th. All u want to know is weather she is traveling with him the next day to Vancover from Sydney airport. What are the costs etc
Posted at 00:44h, 20 DecemberMary, It seems that all that you need is our private investigator to watch the check-in process at Sydney airport. We will be able to see the target arrive and get in to the check-in queue. We will also be able to film this process with a hidden camera. Once he (and any travelling companions) go through to the secure customs area our job will be complete.
This exercise is costed at our standard hourly rate of $125 and a 4 hour minimum applies. There is no reason why this will take any longer than the 4 hours. This fee INCLUDES GST, travel time, and the video. The only additional cost we can foresee would be airport parking. Obviously, due the fact that it is a public holiday, and we have Christmas Day prior, we will need to know by Tuesday this week so that we can make sure we have a private investigator for you during the holiday break. We can be contacted at any time by email at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Posted at 09:52h, 26 JanuaryHi, someone anonymously contacted me via Facebook telling me she had seen my husband cheating on me… She told me the other girls name and some information about my husband! Is there a way of finding out her real name via Facebook or accessing my husbands phone to look at his messages??
Posted at 02:21h, 27 JanuaryHi there,
It is difficult to say one way or the other whether we can trace the identity of the Facebooker you talk about. There are no ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers in these cases and each case has to be looked at as an individual job and just proceed. In these situations we charge you an upfront fee of $250 to look at the job. We carry out some research and if we can’t identify the culprit then there is nothing further to pay. If we can identify who sent the message then an additional $375 is payable as a “success fee”.
As far as examining a telephone handset is concerned we suggest you look at another one of our Private Investigator blog pages titled Phone Forensics or by following this link http://lipstickinvestigations.com.au/phone-forensics/ This will explain how this process works.
If you have any further questions just email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Posted at 21:37h, 27 JanuaryHi there, this is a very difficult scenario but we have achieved results like this before – in fact we found a person recently with no name! We have a number of databases that we can search by first name and suburb, but that will only give us a short-list of potential guys. The more common his first name is, the longer the list will be.
From that point we trawl through all of the names checking social media and the internet for photos matching the photo that you have. Assuming your information is accurate, and he is on the list we often get a result. We must point out though that not EVERYONE will be on the list. Our databases aren’t necessarily up to date to the day, and more transient people such as house-sharers or someone living with parents are less likely to come up on the shortlist (so we could do all of this research for nothing).
The initial charge for carrying out this research is $400, paid in advance. We then do the database searches and then some cross referencing with photographs. If we can’t get you a result then there is nothing further to pay and it has only cost you the $400. If we do identify the right guy and can get you Facebook details or mobile number we charge you a ‘success fee’ of an additional $600. If we can’t get you your answer we are more than happy to send you the results from the shortlist so that you can continue looking yourself.
If this is something you think you may be interested in please email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Posted at 00:21h, 14 FebruaryHi, I’m just trying to find the lost mobile number of someone I dated and whom I have lost contact with (as I lost all the numbers on my old phone and sim). I know the full name and where he works, would you be able to find out the mobile number at all? And what would the cost be?
Posted at 01:17h, 15 FebruaryHi there. We can normally help in these circumstance, but private investigators don’t get access to unlisted numbers. We have a number of databases available to us that have all sorts of listings and more often than not we can dig up this information somewhere along the way. We have a fixed price for these requests – we charge an upfront, non-refundable ‘search fee’ of $110. If we can’t get what you need there is nothing further to pay but we keep the ‘search fee’ to cover our costs. If we do get the required detail then we charge a ‘success fee’ of an additional $220 and then we provide you with the information. Time-frame is 1-3 days.
Posted at 19:48h, 01 Marchhow much would it cost for you to do a little job
here the background
brought a shop of the seller and it states in the legal letter he can not set up a business or work within 5km
he now operate 3 turning away need you to get your hair done and find out if he self employed or on a commission been told by his legal team he work 4 hour a day which I no isn’t true
so need to know
1 how many hours he work there
2 is he self employed or on a commission base
also he has contacted all his old clients and took them from me
can u set a cost of ur charge to get this info
Posted at 22:41h, 01 MarchInvestigating an issue like this is quite straightforward and would normally involve a combination of surveillance at the site to confirm how many hours the person is working and over how many days; as well as having a private investigator attend the premises posing as a customer. During a consultation we can get chatty with him and try to extract the information you require.
All this is just charged at our standard hourly rate of $125 and a 4 hour minimum applies each time we attend. Of course you would also have to cover the cost of a consultation and any other out of pocket expenses. If this is something you would like to pursue just get back to us by email at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Posted at 12:41h, 20 Aprilhi i am suspecting that my husband is cheating on me as he always hide his phone and not interested to sleep with me at all. the problem he is in the navy and hard to find to locate.his always at sea. is it possible to trace it from his phone number if he is cheating on me? can we get those informtation through his phone number?
Posted at 22:50h, 20 AprilHi there,
I am sorry, but we can’t help with this scenario. Private investigators do not have special powers to tap or bug telephones and tracking the location of a mobile phone is not possible unless you have pre-installed a program or app on the handset which can monitor his whereabouts. If you have any further questions you can email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Posted at 07:51h, 21 AprilHi , I have mobile number and name of a person can you find me his address ? And how much? Thank you
Posted at 08:25h, 21 AprilHi Sam,
The cost to locate a person depends on the actual circumstances. For example, someone trying to remain hidden is a lot harder to find than someone just going about their business. Typically though we charge an upfront fee of $400 to take on a locate job – this fee is non-refundable. If we can’t locate the subject or any relevant details, there is nothing further to pay. If we do locate the person we charge an additional $400 as a success fee and then provide you with the address – this makes the end fee a total of $800. We don’t find everyone we set out to, and sometimes the direction of investigation can change half way through (depending on what information we learn along the way), but nothing is done without consulting you first. I would say our success rate is around 80% for the $400 + $400 scenario described.
I hope I have covered all of your requirements. If you have any additional questions or would like to proceed, please feel free to contact me at any time by email at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au.
Posted at 17:43h, 24 AprilHi, I’m looking for my brother. I’ve never meet him before and I would like the opportunity to. I can give you his name, his name of his mother and father, his birthday and the state he was born in. Out of the information I could supply would you be able to find him?
Posted at 22:09h, 25 AprilHi Annie,
We do a lot of find my family’ work and based in the information you have your assignment should be fairly straightforward (unless he has been adopted out under a different name of course). The cost to locate a person depends on the actual circumstances. For example, someone trying to remain hidden is a lot harder to find than someone just going about their business. Typically though we charge an upfront fee of $400 to take on a locate job – this fee is non-refundable. If we can’t locate the subject or any relevant details, there is nothing further to pay. If we do locate the person we charge an additional $400 as a success fee and then provide you with the address – this makes the end fee a total of $800. We don’t find everyone we set out to, and sometimes the direction of investigation can change half way through (depending on what information we learn along the way), but nothing is done without consulting you first. I would say our success rate is around 80% for the $400 + $400 scenario described.
If you have any additional questions or would like to proceed, please feel free to contact us at any time at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Lipstick Investigations
Posted at 21:39h, 25 AprilHi there,
I’m in australia but my family are in liberia, i have lost contact with them, but would like to know exactly where they are.
Posted at 22:14h, 25 AprilHi there,
This is a very specialist assignment and only has two options. We either have to send an investigator there in search, or utilise the services of a local agency in Liberia. We would need to know more about the circumstances of the missing family before we can advise any further. It might be best to email a private investigator directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigatons.com.au and discuss the actual situation.
Tim Jones
Posted at 10:09h, 06 JulyNeed too find a family friend.Have not had contact for 30 years. She was living in London and got married in Melbourne between 86 and 1989 .Lost contact after married, because didn’t know her married name.
Posted at 00:03h, 07 JulyThe cost to locate a person depends on the actual circumstances. For example, someone trying to remain hidden is a lot harder to find than someone just going about their business. Typically though we charge an upfront fee of $400 to take on a locate job – this fee is non-refundable. If we can’t locate the subject or any relevant details, there is nothing further to pay. If we do locate the person we charge an additional $400 as a success fee and then provide you with the address – this makes the end fee a total of $800. We don’t find everyone we set out to, and sometimes the direction of investigation can change half way through, but nothing is done without consulting you first. We would say our success rate is around 80% for the $400 + $400 scenario described.
As you have mentioned it becomes a little more difficult of the person has been married, because the name you give us is not the name she is known by. We do not get access to the Office of Births Deaths and Marriages so it’s not as simple as accessing their records. Having sad that we still have a databases and a wealth of experience to help. Being totally honest though the 80% success rate is probably down to about 50% in these circumstances.
We hope we have covered all of your requirements. If you have any additional questions or would like to proceed, please feel free to contact us at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au at any time
Tim Jones
Posted at 00:26h, 08 JulyYes will do initial search for Linda Guyer,and see where it takes .Can you let me know next step so we can get things started. Tim
Tim Jones
Posted at 00:55h, 07 JulyOk thanks.
help me please
Posted at 09:03h, 28 JulyThe father of my son is not paying the minimum amount for child support. yet he is now married and has a business and mortgage. I know his address for the business and his home. I know the apn for his business is under his wifes name. could you find out who owns the house and business and information on the mortgage. and what their past financial profit and loss etc details are back as far as 2012? and their marriage certificate, land title certificate as proof.
Also I know the name of her kids could you also find out who the father is and how much he is paying for them? if he is alive? I am in new zeland
And how much would that cost?
Posted at 03:01h, 02 AugustWe have responded to this inquiry directly via email. The Lipstick Team
Posted at 08:39h, 05 AugustHey how are you,
My friends and I are worried about a friend who has been talking to a love interest who is never able to meet up and is “stuck” in Melbourne and can’t visit her and she can never get the right time to visit him. He’s always busy on those dates. We are worried he possibly isn’t real. She has shut down talking to us about it. We are worried he is catfishing/scamming her.
I’m wondering what the cost of a dating fraud check would be? And if it is possible, if we were able to get an email or mobile number, to tell if he’s in the country, maybe through an IP check or something?
Unfortunately she doesn’t have Facebook so that probably makes it harder. But anything to show he’s not real or in another country I guess.
Posted at 06:17h, 06 AugustWe do many many internet dating assignments and catfishing is very popular nowadays. It is extremely common for the scammer to “stranded” somewhere and not able to meet with the target, so on the surface this inquiry does start ringing alarm bells.
Like any investigation it is difficult to pinpoint a price because circumstances vary from job to job, however we usually start with a flat fee of $550 to have a preliminary look at the information you have and carry out some inquiries. More often than not we actually find enough information to prove the account is real or a catfisher within this budget, but we certainly can’t guarantee this. If we haven’t answered the question within this amount we get back to the client and discuss the results so far, and any options for further investigations. In some cases there is nowhere else to go, and other times we can explore related tangents to see where they take us. Mostly though we should have some idea of what is real within this preliminary budget.
If you have any further questions just email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au or enquiries@sydneyinvestigator.com.au and we can move forward with your assignment.
Posted at 05:18h, 17 Augustone of my very close friend’s wife cheating on him while he is overseas waiting for partner visa. Now she making excuses and trying to put everything on him and she is doing that because of the family status she hold. she want to leave her husband but don’t want to disclose it to anybody around that this is because of her. My friend is the one is suffering the most in this situation because of all his career, business, marriage will be finish. and top of that he is loosing all the golden 6 years of his life he spent with this cheater. please let me know if you can help and how much the cost?
Posted at 05:56h, 17 AugustHi Nora,
These cheating partner assignments are almost always solved by carrying out surveillance on the wife – this is the only solid way of gathering evidence of her infidelity. Video proof is also the best way to present the evidence particularly when family and cultural issues are at play.
Surveillance by a licensed private investigator is just charged at an hourly rate of $125 and a 4 hour minimum applies for each observation period. Our fees are different from most companies insomuch as we INCLUDE everything with that fee such as GST, mileage, travel time to and from the job, video and report. All this is included as apart of your investigation, and there are no nasty surprises at the end. It is up to the client to give us an idea of the required surveillance periods and we look after the rest of the investigation. We report back regularly so that you have updates on movements and interactions.
If this is something you wish to pursue, or if you have any other questions just get back to us at anytime at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au you can also visit our alternate site http://www.sydneyinvestigator.com.au for additional information
The Lipstick Team
Posted at 03:26h, 18 AugustHow how much it would cost to find the person or persons stole from garage? Personal stuff was in that what he stole.
Posted at 01:06h, 22 AugustThe cost for a private investigator to locate a person depends on the actual circumstances. For example, someone trying to remain hidden is a lot harder to find than someone just going about their business. Typically we charge an upfront fee of $400 to take on a locate job – this fee is non-refundable. If we can’t locate the subject or any relevant details, there is nothing further to pay. If we do locate the person we charge an additional $400 as a success fee and then provide you with the address – this makes the end fee a total of $800. We don’t find everyone we set out to, and sometimes the direction of investigation can change half way through (depending on what information we learn along the way), but nothing is done without consulting you first. We would say our success rate is around 80% for the $400 + $400 scenario described.
If this is something you think you wish to follow through just email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Posted at 02:59h, 14 SeptemberI would like to catch a business’s misconduct how much would that cost. they make cakes.
Posted at 04:39h, 14 SeptemberBefore we can give you a good idea of costing we would need to know more about the situation at hand. This may be the sort of private investigation where it could be solved with surveillance at a rate of $125 per hour – or depending on the the investigation’s needs it might be able to be sorted out with some sort of undercover agent or maybe some controlled ‘buys’. Most of our field work is charged at the hourly rate of $125 inclusive of GST and other costs.
If this is something you wish us to explore, please email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au and we can get more detail from you.
Posted at 22:44h, 05 NovemberI am wondering whether it would be possible to discover the identity of a person through unidentified online photo’s? The individual’s images have been used as part of hundreds of scams, the person is aware of this and their identity is known by a couple of anti-scam websites but obviously they are not at liberty to disclose the details of the person.
Posted at 22:22h, 11 NovemberHi Jane,
One of our team has responded directly to your email address. We need a bit more information before we can give you an idea on what the cost of this private investigation may be.
Posted at 12:07h, 10 NovemberHi, I am trying to find my birth father who is not on my birth certificate. I only have his name and that he had a sister called Jane. The only address I have is of his parents in 1973 when I was born. Have you had any similar circumstances with success and approx charges. Appreciate your reply.
Posted at 22:28h, 11 NovemberHi Pauline,
You probably have enough information to proceed with the search. We can’t see why it won’t fall into our regular category of searching for a missing person. We charge an upfront fee of $400 to take the job on. You provide all of the information you have and $400 and then we commence our searches. If we can’t get you a result then there is nothing more to pay. If we can locate you birth father or some important relevant information about family then we charge a second fee of $400 and then we give you what we found.
Sometimes during a private investigation the direction of research can change and we might have to go about it in a different way, and this could change the costing. We will never proceed in another direction without contacting you first for approval. If this is something you would like to pursue send us the detail to enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au and we can get started.
Posted at 11:48h, 12 NovemberI’m trying to figure out if a girl I had feelings for is dateing a guy I know ..they work next door to each other and it’s been years since Iv seen them both . I feel they are covering it all up with a fake name and profile. I have photos of the two different girls , wondering if you have any special software that can match the two faces to know if it’s the same person or not …how much would a job like this cost to find out ?..thanx
Posted at 04:26h, 14 NovemberWe don’t have any special software that can match faces, it is just too expensive for us to purchase for the rare times it may be required on a private investigation. I can’t think of any Australian private investigation firm that would have access to such software so all that we could suggest would be to research some overseas investigation companies in the USA or Europe. As far as your requirements are concerned it wouldn’t matter where the investigator was based as you could just send them the images.
Good luck!
Posted at 01:41h, 12 DecemberHi there
Is it possible to get a criminal check and a marriage check on my X new bf, we have a 7 year old son and I’m concerned I know nothing about this man who is being aloud to get involved with my son. All I need to know that this man is of a clean and good character and isn’t or hasn’t got any criminal records that could be concerning
Kind Regards
Posted at 01:22h, 13 DecemberI’m afraid private investigator’s don’t actually get access to either the police database or the database of the Office of Births Deaths and Marriages, so there is no way of accessing official details. We have a number of databases which may indicate criminality and marriage status, but they are far from comprehensive. We charge a flat fee of $220 for each type of search.
If you would like to proceed with these searches please email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Posted at 05:18h, 17 JanuaryHi.. just wondering. .can you get my gf calls record.. contact list on her phone and also whatsapp chats deleted record.. but i dont have access to her phone. .
Posted at 07:47h, 17 JanuaryFirstly, the only real way to get deleted messages is via a forensic extraction of the telephone handset – which you say you don’t have. To our understanding WhatsApp don’t keep messages anyway so there is no way to retrieve from them either. It’s the same with Australian telcos – they don’t actually keep record of the content of messages.
The Australian telcos obviously keep call logs etc but it would be illegal for a private investigator to pass this information on, even if they could get it. Lipstick Investigations is not able to get this sort of information for you. We are happy to help with surveillance services, or anything else you think may be of use. If you have any other questions perhaps it would be best to email us direclty at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au or enquiries@sydneyivestigator.com.au
Posted at 08:11h, 19 JanuaryHow can you track a 15yo kid to show him proof that he is drinking and taking drugs.will not believe it until we show pictures or proof
Posted at 11:32h, 19 JanuaryThis sort of assignment is definitely a surveillance based exercise. Surveillance is just charged at $125 per hour and there is a 4 hour minimum each time we leave the office. We charge a little more per hour than some other companies but our charges are ALL INCLUSIVE of GST, mileage, travel time, video, pictures, report and regular updates – so it is a flat rate per hour with no hidden charges at the end of the surveillance period/s. Basically, you give us a schedule of hours you want observations carried out and we do the rest. If you can narrow down the times that are most important it shouldn’t cost too much at all.
If you have any further questions or would like to get started just email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Posted at 04:03h, 25 JanuaryCan you find the address of a woman who works with my husband who he had a relationship with
Posted at 04:42h, 25 JanuaryThere are two directions a private investigator can take with this investigation. We can either follow the woman from the workplace using surveillance – or we can use our databases to track down a residential address. Both directions of investigation could work but we would need to know more detail before we could advise the best avenue of investigation (and most cost-effective) in this circumstance.
Just send us through a little more detail on the type of workplace, hours worked, and how much identifying information you have on the female. If you email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au or enquiries@sydneyinvestigator.com.au we can look into it further for you.
Posted at 07:33h, 06 FebruaryHi is it possible for you to obtain marriage records(Queensland) with the names of the couple and year of marriage.
Posted at 08:23h, 06 FebruaryUnfortunately private investigators in Australia do not get access to information from the office of Births Deaths and Marriages due to privacy laws, so gaining a marriage certificate is definitely out of the question. Sometimes there is a way around this by utilising other databases that may have note of this information, but we stress, it is not from the official government database. The chance of success with this sort of search is probably only 50% so it is quite hit and miss.
To commence a search we charge a fee of $220, and this amount is non-refundable. If we can’t get the information required then there is nothing further to pay. If we do get enough information to show a marriage with a year attached we would charge a ‘success fee’ of another $330, making a total of $550 for the requested information.
If this is something you wish to pursue just drop us a line by email directly to enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Posted at 14:06h, 24 FebruaryHi,
I need to find a girl without her name. All I have is where I met her in Sydney and a detail description of her apperance. Do you provide a service like this?
Posted at 23:19h, 08 MarchI’m sorry James, but you do not have enough detail for a private investigator from our Sydney office to even start investigating this. If you met her in her workplace however we may be able to work out it by making inquiries at that place; but if you just met her on the street or similar, we just don’t have a starting point.
If you have any additional information or would like to talk to us further please feel free to contact us by email at enquiries@sydneyinvestigator.com.au or enquries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Amanda Mitchell
Posted at 11:40h, 08 MarchI want to know if it is possible to identify someone that is using an online dating site?
I am a 100% sure he is on another dating site. And possibly another. But this site, Im 80% – 95% sure its him because I cant see his face. There is only a few clues. I really need to know if this is him on this website. Is it possible to find that out?
I want to get a separation from my husband and I need to shove this information in his face. He is a pathological liar and sometimes it is impossible to get him to admit to anything until its painfully clear!
Posted at 23:11h, 08 MarchHi Amanda,
It is unlikely a private investigator will be able to get the information from the dating site itself as the sites are very secure and they don’t give out people’s private details. But if we set up a profile on the site and made an approach to the suspicious profile, then we could expect he would offer us some face photos or even a date. The cost for a private investigator is based on an hourly rate of $125 and a 4 hour minimum charge applies to each assignment. It is difficult to predict how long the scenario described above will take but if the investigator didn’t actually have to meet him then it shouldn’t take much longer than the minimum.
If you would like to organise this investigation please email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au and we would be happy to assist.
Posted at 21:13h, 14 MarchHi, is it possible to find out if someone has done a degree in Australia and if the have a criminal record? What may it cost?
Cheers, Al
Posted at 23:35h, 14 MarchHi Alan,
Australian privacy laws are very tough and accessing criminal records is not possible without the permission of the person being searched. We have access to a few databases that can indicate criminality but the results are far from comprehensive if something is found. We charge a flat fee of $220 to carry out these searches.
Verifying a degree is nearly always possible, although some institutions prohibit release of this information. But in most cases we can access this detail. The cost again is $220 for this service. Of course we have to know which institution the degree was done at to carry out the search.
If you would like to organise either of these private investigations just drop us a line by email at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au or enquiries@sydneyinvestigator.com.au
Posted at 07:39h, 20 MarchTwo of my vehicles have been scratched along the driver’s side outside my home; one vehicle was scratched for a second time this afternoon outside a repair shop where the mechanic parked it. I have a very good idea who did it and I am confident it will happen again. Although I do not know their name nor contact details I know a person who does.
If I were to engage your services and you were able to obtain photographic and or video evidence of another vandalism to my vehicle are you able to provide the police with the offender’s details, the evidence and see it through to a police charge?
Posted at 04:14h, 21 MarchHi Darren,
Private investigators can certainly gather the evidence you require. We can have an agent watch the vehicle and when the damage occurs film the offender with our nightvision camera. Once we have got the visual evidence, the aim would then be to follow the offender to his vehicle and identify the registration, or alternatively to an address. The police can then step in and work out who the offender is by either of these details. Of course if the footage is good enough for you to recognise the offender then that will make things much easier in the long run.
Assuming the police follow through with charges, our agent would be able to attend court as a witness to assist with convicting the offender.
The charge for surveillance based private investigation is just at a rate of $125 per hour inclusive of GST, mileage, travel time, video and report. The only extra charge would be giving police statements and attending court if required.
If you would like to organise a surveillance period feel free to drop us line at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au or inquiries@sydneyinvestigator.com.au at any time.
Posted at 04:37h, 05 AprilAre you able to find out a particular chat conversation from a person (eg. my ex)? If so what is the cost?
Posted at 23:21h, 05 AprilPrivate investigators don’t have the technology or the legal right to access this type of detail. Depending on the platform the ‘chat’ happened (Facebook, WhatsApp etc) the chat may not even be there any more. In theory if we had access to the device the ‘chat’ was had on we could do a forensic extraction of that device and recover the information. But we do need the device – it can’t be done remotely. Have a read of this article for more information on data recovery and telephone forensics. https://lipstickinvestigations.com.au/phone-forensics/
Posted at 01:55h, 26 Aprilhi, how much would cost, if i want check my current business partner’s personal asset, property, car, bank account, loan etc, i can provide his name, mobile, company address, etc, mostly he use his family trust to sign the deal, currently we have a contract breach dispute,
Posted at 06:25h, 26 AprilPrivate investigators only have limited access to personal information and we can’t just search bank accounts, personal loans and details of car finance etc. We can search property and major shareholdings and other company details as well as search some other databases looking for possible finance defaults and previous legal issues they may have encountered.
Without knowing more about the person we can only provide an approximate cost of $550 to carry out these preliminary inquiries. Some investigations can open up a can of worms once we start, and costs can escalate depending on how far you wish to look into it. We never continue an investigation and incur additional costs without your approval. Our recommendation would be to carry out the preliminary investigation described above and then deliver our information to you for you to decide on your next move.
If this is something you wish to commence please just email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvesitgations.com.au and we can get some detail from you.
Posted at 02:20h, 09 JuneHi, i would like to find my long lost half sister that i have never met before on my fathers side but i would like to, i don’t have much information though. how much would it be to find her?
Posted at 05:40h, 14 JuneDahria,
Locating long lost family is a specialty of ours. The cost and probability of locating a person depends on what sort of information you can supply in the beginning. Perhaps it is best if you email the Managing Director personally at david@lipstickinvestigations.com.au and he can chat to you about what you have to get us started, and then advise an idea of cost.
Lipstick Investigations
Posted at 10:41h, 17 JuneI would like to know if it’s possible to identify a facebook fake profile who has been harassing a member of my family including my ninety one year old father and how much roughly would you charge.
Posted at 23:51h, 17 JuneSergio,
There is no open and shut answer to this question. We possibly could identify who is behind it but Facebook being what it is allows a user to have a totally fake profile which usually would be untraceable. Even if we had an inside man at Facebook it wouldn’t help because it was a fake profile to start with. Having said that it is not impossible. A preliminary budget of $250 would allow us to have a look at the details and make some preliminary searches. If we have no further direction after these preliminary searches we would just say to you that we have no further direction based on the information at hand and that would be the end of the investigation. If we did get some clues we would report back to you then you could decide if it was worth proceeding further with the aim of identifying the protagonist.
If this is something you wish to look further into please email as directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au and we can assist further.
The Lipstick Team
steve Peters
Posted at 19:31h, 17 JuneMy wife has left me and I know she had an affair.
She is living with the guy name but still maintains that he is a friend only.
I need solid proof of an intimate relationship between them. How much?
Posted at 23:57h, 17 JuneThis sort of private investigation would be solved by carrying out surveillance on the subject. It would only be a matter of time before we were able to get some visual evidence that she was in a relationship with this other male. We can’t access the residential address to see what is going on inside, so surveillance would be external and aimed at seeing when they go somewhere together and gain evidence of a relationship.
Of course it is impossible to know how long this may take which is why we charge these assignments by the hour. If it happened quickly you won’t spend much but if the days and times you nominated for the surveillance periods did not yield a result, you could do quite a few hours before you got your proof. Surveillance is just charged at $125 per hour and this includes GST, mileage, travel time, video and report – so it is a flat rate per hour with no hidden extras at the end.
If this is something you wish to proceed with please email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au and we can sort something out for you.
The Lipstick Team
Posted at 08:03h, 15 JulyHi,
Recently, I had a car accident and the driver of the car run away but my witness provide me with incomplete information about the car details. It is a mitzubishi outlander with navy blue color. The first rego letters is BHP but we didn’t get the last few numbers/ letters. Is their any chance that you could help me. And how much do you charge? I already reported it to the police.
Posted at 22:58h, 26 JulyI’m sorry Rosa. but private investigators do not get access to the motor vehicle registration database so there is no way we can look this up for you. Depending on where the accident occurred we may be able to send an agent to canvass for witnesses and someone like a business may have some video footage that will assist – but this does rely on the accident being in an area conducive to this circumstance. Please get back to us enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au if this is something you wish to pursue.
Posted at 13:32h, 26 JulyHi, my partner owns a land with someone he doesn’t know. All we know from the Title Office is his name and a po box that is closed more than a decade ago. Initial search shows no result on the pole, police record, unable to search through govt departments such as birth marriage death or centrelink. What would be the chance (%) of success to get his contact details and what would be the cost?
Posted at 23:04h, 26 JulyDatabase searches such as this we do all day every day. To locate a person we charge an upfront fee of $400 to take the job on. This amount is non-refundable. We then commence our searches and if we can’t find the person then there is nothing further to pay. If and when we do locate the owner of the property we then charge you an additional $400 ‘success fee’ and provide you the results. You only pay the 2nd $400 if we locate a guaranteed address for the person so it is a results-based investigation. We don’t always get contact details but if we find them during our investigation then we pass them on anyway – a result is considered to be the actual whereabouts of the person. Our success rate in these investigations is probably about 80-90% for the $400+$400 scenario described.
If you have any additional questions or would like to proceed with the investigation please feel free to email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Posted at 07:00h, 21 AugustHi just wanting to know the cost of trying to get a ex boyfriends address he ripped me off my life savings and I need an address so he can be served papers from the court cause I have filed for a intent to claim to get my money back he borrowed and didn’t pay me back ..i only have a mobile number..
Posted at 05:01h, 27 NovemberTanya,
Database searches such as this we do all day every day. To locate a person we charge an upfront fee of $400 to take the job on. This amount is non-refundable. We then commence our searches and if we can’t find the person then there is nothing further to pay. If and when we do locate the owner of the property we then charge you an additional $400 ‘success fee’ and provide you the results. You only pay the 2nd $400 if we locate a guaranteed address for the person so it is a results-based investigation. We don’t always get contact details but if we find them during our investigation then we pass them on anyway – a result is considered to be the actual whereabouts of the person. Our success rate in these investigations is probably about 80-90% for the $400+$400 scenario described.
If you have any additional questions or would like to proceed with the investigation please feel free to email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Concerned Friend
Posted at 14:34h, 14 SeptemberHi,
A friend of mine is dating a real jerk who won’t let her go to his house. It’s been 6 or so months and she has met any of his family let alone friends!! He is a rude pig and u don’t understand why she puts up with him. This makes her parents and sisters upset. I have good feeling he is married and is cheating on his wife with her. How can we prove it? Hopefully this is what she needs to break it off with this loser.
Posted at 04:45h, 27 NovemberHi Concerned Friend. There are probably two ways to look into this sort of issue. The first could be some database searches on the address so we can try and ascertain any other occupants of the address. This sort of investigation is hard to price but usually you wouldn’t spend more than about 4500 on searches.
The other option is surveillance – either of the male himself, or of the address to see who else resides there. Surveillance is just charged by the hour and it is up to you to give us an idea of the hours and days that you want us on the job. The cost of this sort of private investigation is based on an hourly rate of $125 and a 4 hour minimum ($500) applies each time we leave the office. We are more expensive per hour than most companies but our hourly rate INCLUDES EVERYTHING such as GST, mileage, travel time to and from the job, video, report and regular field updates if required – so it is just a flat hourly rate with no hidden extras at the end.
If you have any further questions or touch base with the team by email at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au at any time.
Nishat khan
Posted at 00:24h, 20 SeptemberHi i have few contact details which i took from my husband phone ..i doubt they are escorts numbers which my husband is using ..i just want to make sure ..how much will you charge to find out that
Posted at 04:49h, 27 NovemberWe would have to know a little more about the situation and how many numbers we are looking at. Private investigators don’t have access to every number in the country so we don’t solve all inquiries of this nature. We would suggest we be given the opportunity to have a look at the numbers and to be able to run them through our databases. We are likely to solve some straight away and can do them for a relatively low fee depending on the amount of numbers you have. A one off-search on a number is $110 up front, and then if a result comes of the search another $220 is payable. So in total it is $330 for a successful outcome, and you only lose $110 if we can’t get a result. If you have bulk numbers we can lower the cost to make it viable but please email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au to proceed to the next step.
Posted at 04:48h, 12 NovemberI have a stalker in my area who I saw twice around 3 weeks ago when I went outside, but I know that he has a Twitter account that he used to contact me on once. Is it possible to get his personal details?
Posted at 04:51h, 27 NovemberI’m afraid private investigators do not have special access to Twitter accounts, or other social media platforms for that matter. There may be options of investigation for you but we would need to know the actual detail you have at hand so we can assess if we can assist with your investigation. Please email us at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au with the information you can supply.
Posted at 14:24h, 14 NovemberHi, I am trying to find an address for someone. I have the name and details of the car that they own. How much would it cost to find the address?
Posted at 04:56h, 27 NovemberHi there. Access to to the various states’ driver’s licence and registrations databases is not something a licensed private investigator can do. There may be some searches we can carry out but any information we may get will not be from the official government databases. Having said that, locating a person using their name is much more straightforward and the chance of success depends on what sort of information you can supply us in ther first instance. If the name is on the unusual side they will be easier to locate than if it was a common name.
The cost to locate a person in this scenario works like this. We charge an upfront fee of $400 to take the job on. This amount is non-refundable. We then commence our searches and if we can’t find the person then there is nothing further to pay. If and when we do find them we then charge you an additional $400 ‘success fee’ and then we give you the results. You only pay the 2nd $400 if we locate a guaranteed address for him so it is a results-based investigation. We don’t always get contact details but if we find them during our investigation then we pass them on anyway – a result is considered to be the actual whereabouts of the person. Our success rate in these investigations is probably about 80% for the $400+$400 scenario.
If you would like to proceed with this investigation just drop us a line direction to enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au and we will get something sorted for you.
Mia Fernando
Posted at 07:26h, 23 Novembermy boyfriends ex partner broke us up and used the kids against him. Also found out all of our personal information and everything that my boyfriend and I were up to. I would now like to found out some things about her and maybe what she is up to. What would the cost of this be roughly?
Posted at 05:00h, 27 NovemberHi Mia. A preliminary background check on an individual starts at $1100. This allows us to search all of our available databases and to put together some preliminary findings. you may have some additional questions at this point and we can then talk further as to further directions of investigation and potential cost.
You should note however that licensed private investigators do not get to bypass the privacy laws so we do not get access to things like official criminal records, bank accounts, medical records or immigration information. The searches we do CAN indicate some of this information but it is by no means a comprehensive report on a person’s background and history. A much bigger budget can give more results, but not always. If you would like to proceed or if you have any additional questions just drop us a line by email at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Posted at 14:04h, 30 MarchHi,
Are you able to find out the dates of birth of children? I would like to leave money to them in my will but know the parents would not accept it. I know month and year and both parents names, DOB and address.
Posted at 02:32h, 31 MarchUnfortunately private investigators do not get access to the office of Births Deaths and Marriages so it’s not as simple as clicking a button and finding the information. Also we have no real databases listing any information on minors, so if the kids ate under 18 there is no direction to investigate.
There may be some other things we can investigate though – using some tricks of the trade. There is no guarantee though but it might be worth trying. We would charge you on a success-based investigation. for further information on the investigations process please email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Posted at 04:43h, 26 AprilAre you able to track someone down with just a mobile number? I recently got scammed and all other details I have about them would be fake. I would like to locate them.
Posted at 05:06h, 26 AprilHi Maya,
We do have reverse search databases for phones, but sadly not all mobile numbers are listed. If the scammer has set out to defraud you from the beginning it as quite likely that the number you have will be a pre-paid and possibly in a false name. Obviously this information would be no good to you. But we really don’t know until we carry out the actual searches.
We charge an upfront, non-refundable fee to run the searches. If we can’t get you a current result or any useful information we don;t charge you anything further but we do keep the initial $110 to cover our costs. If we do get a result for you we charge an additional $220 and then pass over the information. So it costs you $110 to start, and a total of $330 if we are successful.
If this is something you wish to look into further just email us direct at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
The Lipstick Team
shane ribarovski
Posted at 07:10h, 27 AprilHello,
My ex wife is running a business from home and I need to have someone investigate how many students are going in a week as she is claiming its only half a dozen people.
Posted at 00:20h, 30 AprilShane,
This can be solved by surveillance – we can have a licensed private investigator observe the given address and count the number of persons that come and go, and record the amount of time they are on site. This should give an accurate indication for your requirements. It may also be possible to make contact with her with an investigator potentially taking up some lessons with her. this will give us an idea of the charges and potential income.
Surveillance and field inquiries are just charged by the hour. We charge $125 per hour and this includes all taxes, travel time, kilometers, photos and a report. Most other private investigation companies charge less per hour but then add all those additional costs at the end, so you don’t know exactly what your bill will be when you finish. Our model is totally transparent and you can work out a budget before commencing. If this is something you would like to proceed with please email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au and we can get something organised.
The Lipstick Team
Posted at 10:03h, 27 AprilI receive a facebook msg from someone unknown who told me my bf is releasing some private photos on snapchat/ instagram etc. How much would it cost/ would it be possible for a private investigator to help to verify if this is indeed true?
Posted at 00:29h, 30 AprilPrivate investigators do not get any special access to Snapchat, instagram or even Facebook, so very little can be done via your boyfriend’s account. We can however put time on monitoring other people who may be connected to him in an aim to get to the bottom of the situation. Our computer research charges are based on an hour rate of $220 – and there is no way of assessing how many hours it may take to complete the job.
The only other way we could assist would be if we had access to your boyfriend’s device and then we could carry out a forensic extraction of the device and see what information has actively been going through it. Have a read of our BLOG on Phone Forensics here https://lipstickinvestigations.com.au/phone-forensics/
Posted at 22:29h, 07 JuneHi
My friend has received text messages from an unknown person who has been giving her info on her husband’s association with several women.Her husband denied when she questioned him. Will you be able to get to the bottom of this? How much will it cost and how long will it take?
Posted at 05:32h, 09 JuneHi there,
Private investigators have a number of databases we can search which may give an indication of who is sending the messages – but we can’t give you an ironclad guarantee that the information will be available. But in your case, just identifying the sender still won’t really give you the truthful answer as to if the husband is indeed having an affair. So it might come down to investigating the husband directly to see what is going on.
This can be done by one of two ways – the first is surveillance (have him followed) to gather proof of any infidelity. This is just charged at an hourly rate of $125. The length of time it will take to get the bottom of an infidelity case is impossible to say – each case is different and the duration will depend on the times that you choose to have him followed. If you pick the right day and time where he is up to no good, then it won’t cost much. But if you do days upon days of surveillance and he doesn’t catch up with any females then you could spend a lot of money before realising that the telephone calls may have been stirring the pot. The second direction might be a forensic examination of his telephone handset to see what sort of activity has been through it. We do need the actual handset for a few hours though. More information on telephone for forensics can be found on this blog page https://lipstickinvestigations.com.au/phone-forensics
If you have any further questions just email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au and we can assist you further.
Posted at 20:26h, 10 JuneHad an old friend I can’t reach have her name and where she used to work just trying to find her is this somegh in ng you could do
Posted at 06:07h, 11 JuneHi Jamie,
Locating a person is fairly straightforward but it depends on the amount, and quality of information you have to get us started as to the chances of success. We typically need a full name as well as any other identifying information such as an old address or telephone number, or a date of birth to help us separate the person from other people of the same name. As you can appreciate common names with no other identifying detail can be very difficult to work with. Perhaps you should email the detail you do have on hand to our lead investigator at david@lipstickinvestigations.com.au and he will assess it for you and then give you an idea on what we are looking at.
The Lipstick Team
Girl in need
Posted at 06:14h, 26 JuneHi,
My ex partner cheated on me with his ex-wife saying that he only did so just so that she agrees to go to the court for divorce as he is illegally staying in Australia. Is there anyway with the help of PI, his illegal overstaying cant be investigated by the Immigration?
Posted at 03:30h, 28 JunePrivate investigators can’t access private information from companies or bank accounts or government agencies. One of the only ways to to prove the overstaying is to carry out some surveillance and confirm his address and workplace (if relevant). We can then provide you with any video and a report, or we can send it directly to the Immigration Dept for them to act on. We can’t force their involvement in a case but our experience is that they take overstaying persons quite seriously and normally some sort of action is taken.
The surveillance itself is just charged at an hourly rate of $125. If this is something you would like to look into further just email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Joshua Shepherd
Posted at 01:51h, 30 JuneHi..
My ex wife abducted our 2 youngest children and has disappeared November 16th 2011.. I’m on the autism spectrum (so this is really emotional and mentally overwhelming) and I tried legal avenues and got the run around and it seemed to me that no one had any idea what I should do.. I’ve been to the police and the police said there’s nothing they can do.. I even heard that Australia is the only developed country that allows parental child abduction.. I never knew my father because my mother did the same thing and now I have to go without my children..
Posted at 03:42h, 30 JuneThis sounds like an extremely upsetting and difficult situation. A private investigator should be able to help but it would depend on the level of effort your ex-wife has taken to hide. Private investigators do not get access to databases like Medicare or Centrelink or the ATO – all places where she may be recorded – so it is not as simple as typing her name in a computer and it spits out the answers. Recently there was a well-documented case where a woman had been living totally off the grid for some years and it would be nearly impossible to find someone in these circumstances (not without a massive budget anyway). https://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/crime-and-justice/queensland-mum-accused-of-abduction-took-extreme-measures-to-hide-from-authorities/news-story/39564827b8bb39f28b690e7d62b10669
We do have access to a number of databases where she may be listed and the first step in this sort of investigation is to run the name through those databases. She may come up and the job is done. The cost to locate a person works like this. We charge an upfront fee of $400 to take the job on. This amount is non-refundable. We then commence our searches and if we can’t find the person then there is nothing further to pay. If and when we do find them we then charge you an additional $400 ‘success fee’ and then we give you the results. You only pay the 2nd $400 if we locate a guaranteed address for her so it is a results-based investigation. We don’t always get contact details but if we find them during our investigation then we pass them on anyway – a result is considered to be the actual whereabouts of the person. Our success rate in these investigations is probably about 80% for the $400+$400 scenario. However, I would expect due to the nature of your particular circumstances the chance of success for this pricing would only be about 50-50.
If we locate her then the job is done. If we don’t we will have other options but we would have to know the full detail, including a list of any family and friends she may have. Then we can commence an investigation which is pretty much time based, at a rate of $220 per hour. How many hours?? Unknown. It normally takes many, and there is no guarantee of success. However we put in our full efforts and report back regularly so you can make any informed decisions along the way (such as changing the direction of the investigation, or ceasing it).
If this is something you wish to proceed with just email us back with the information you have on hand and then we can sort payment and get started. As we say above, the first phase of the investigation is fairly straightforward from our perspective.
Lipstick Investigations
Joe Georges
Posted at 14:24h, 24 JulyHi there. Just wandering how much would it cost to catch a ex worker of mine making a false workers compensation claim. I have reason to believe his working for cash money on the side
Posted at 01:39h, 16 AugustHi Joe,
This sounds like a surveillance job. We would have to follow the ex-employee and identify where he is working and who for. you could then provide the information to the relevant authorities and they would likely take over the investigation from that point.
Surveillance is just charged at an hourly rate of $125 and a 4 hour minimum applies each time we carry out any field work. Our costs are all inclusive of GST, mileage, travel time, video and a report so basically it is just a flat rate per hour for every hour you do. If this is something you’d like to pursue just drop us a line by email to enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
The Lipstick Team
Posted at 10:40h, 11 AugustHi I have someone’s name and the name of the company she works, would you be able to find her personal information like her home address and her husband’s phone number? How much does it cost?
Posted at 01:34h, 16 AugustHi Alice,
In most cases we can identify an address using a name – but it depends on how much information you have on the name. If you just have a first and last name and it is common, then it’s probably not enough to work with as we won’t know which person she is on our list – it’s not like we can get the information from her workplace – we have to do it other ways. Assuming you have enough information to get started we just charge you $400 to commence the investigation, and an additional $400 when we find the information. If we can’t get the information required you do not pay the second $400.
Sometimes the direction of investigation can change and instead of the database direction we might have to follow he home after work. this is just charged by the hour at a rate of $125. so if things went well on the first period you choose you could have the answer for as little as $500. The phone number for the husband is a different investigation though. First we have to work out who the husband is, and then go about trying to find a number for him. This will cost you a similar amount as described above.
If you have any further questions just email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au and we can sort it out for you.
The Lipstick Team
Posted at 07:45h, 28 SeptemberHi
I need to find out wether he/she is working or not with proof
they claim they don’t have job but I doubt they are doing a job
could you investigate on a person…I can give their home address and contact if needed
Please advise
Posted at 17:15h, 08 OctoberHi Dev,
The way we ascertain where a person is employed is by using surveillance. We follow them from their home address and see where they go and what they do. This will always lead to their workplace. It is difficult to predict how long it may take – you could solve it in a few hours, or it may take a few days or a few weeks. We ask the client to choose the days and time they want to book a private investigator and then we just charge you by the hour at a rate of $125.
Private investigators do not get access to social security information of employment history (which is usually only held by the Australian Tax Office) so we have to use the surveillance aspect of investigations as mentioned above.
If you would like to organise an investigation please just email us directly at enquiries@lisptickinvestigations.com.au
The Lipstick Team
Leigh Cranford
Posted at 15:31h, 08 OctoberMy family and I are on the Lower North Shore, Sydney. We are the victims of someone harassing us who I’ll describe as a textbook sociopath. It has been going on for three years now. Nothing physical (yet), no real proof, but lots of printed material, fake emails and deeds which, on the balance of probability, could not have been done by anybody else. We have a file of this. We also have lots of details about the person. The police have been notified many times but ‘can’t act without proof’ and are almost no help. as you would imagine.
Also we know others who have been targeted by this person and there are probably others we don’t know.
I’m told these types are only really afraid of being ‘exposed’ and we are considering trying to find out as much as we can about them, such as any other problems they may have or caused so we can go to the police and try to compel them to help us.
Roughly how much would we spend with you to find out what other unlawful mischief our harasser might have been up to besides making our lives a misery?
This middle aged guy, with a good job and wife and kids (recently separated) was chased out of a large pub buy a man and woman and punched to the ground a couple of years ago. He obviously has other enemies.
Posted at 17:08h, 08 OctoberLeigh,
I’m afraid private investigators don’t get open access to a person’s criminal record or criminal history, although there are some searches we can do for you which may indicate previous issues. These searches are limited and can be and please remember the information does not come from the police so it will not be a massive dossier on the person’s life. As part of this we would also run the name through some other databases to see if there are any leads or additional directions of private investigation that might become apparent.
The nature of investigation is that it is just that – we have to investigate. The answers aren’t sitting here on our desk and we have to look into it. We have solved similar investigations before but the price can get up there as our computer research investigation charge out at $220 per hour and it is impossible to tell how much time is needed to investigate a particular issue. yours has the added difficulty of being largely electronic harassment and that can be very hard to trace. Surveillance may also come into play on a protracted investigation and this is charged at a lesser hourly rate of $125.
If you would like to get started with an investigation we can sit down with you and go through what you have. Just email us directly to enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Posted at 18:40h, 16 NovemberHi are you able to check into someone’s bank accounts to see what balances they have (Child Support dodgers) and also to see if they have taken out a lump sum of superannuation (Child Support evasion) Child Support won’t do this though I know the ex did take out his super in a lump sum. Nearly half a million dollars. They won’t check his bank accounts no matter how much I ask them to.. He has also committed Centrelink fraud while previously working. (He was getting an allowance from Centrelink so he could give that income estimate to Child Support Agency based on a low income and avoid disclosing his true employment income.. i need evidence based on his super lump sum and Centrelink allowances…which bank records would show.
Posted at 00:11h, 17 NovemberHi there,
I’m sorry we can’t assist in this matter as licensed private investigators do not get access to a person’s bank account information. This is always a difficult situation for someone to go through, but private investigators can’t get into this information at all.
The Lipstick Team
Posted at 02:02h, 21 NovemberHi, I’m looking at getting into the industry. Researching courses and licences etc. Is there any chance I could speak with someone on your team with the hope of learning more about the what the job entails to see if it’s right for me?
Posted at 09:37h, 29 NovemberJack, the private investigation industry certainly is interesting but as you realise proper training is required before the licensing authority in your state (often it is the police) can grant you a private investigator licence. And then nothing helps you become a good private investigator more than on the job experience – this is the hard part of becoming an investigator. Perhaps you should email our MD direct at david@lipstickinvestigations.com.au and he will give you a bit more advice in the direction to head. Good luck in your endeavors.
The Lipstick Team
Posted at 10:28h, 03 JanuaryI know that my ex-spouse does illegal things. Is it possible to install a hidden camera in his house to have proof of this? Can this record be used in court as evidence? Is it possible to check his computer for visiting illegal sites? and how much can it cost? thank
Posted at 10:40h, 03 JanuaryAlise,
We can install hidden cameras, but you need to be the owner occupier of a house for us to do so. We certainly won’t be entering someone’s house illegally to install this sort of equipment. Private investigators have to work within laws and don’t have any special powers to trespass or break and enter. So if the target property isn’t yours then we can’t assist with this sort of request. The same goes for the computer – unless it comes to us, or is on a property that you have control of, then we cant help here either for exactly the same reasons. There are no ‘remote install’ tools that work on computers nowadays (even though there are a number of internet sites selling spy software etc). So overall, we probably can’t help with your inquiries. If you have any further questions or would like to try a different approach please contact us at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au and we will advise accordingly.
The Lipstick Team
Mark Cornell
Posted at 03:06h, 25 JanuaryHi, do you work in Ballarat city?
Posted at 13:09h, 25 JanuaryHi Mark,
Yes we do have a couple of agents in the vicinity so we are able to assist your investigation needs. Just email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au with your inquiry and we will endeavor to assist.
The Lipstick Investigations Team
Posted at 12:52h, 04 FebruaryThere is a woman who lives in my outback country town, she runs around falsely accusing people of various crimes, usually involving children. She hasn’t worked a day in her life and owns two houses. Is it possible to do a background check on her for legal proceedings which she may have brought against people for the purpose of claiming compensation?
She used to live in Woolongong, I believe the investigations would start there.
Posted at 13:53h, 04 FebruaryBackground checks in Australia have their limitations. Even licensed private investigators have to work within the state and federal laws, as well as privacy laws – so we don’t get access to things such as bank accounts, Medicare, social security, drivers licenses, and those sorts of things. We can however carry out a preliminary general background check for $1100. Once we see what information transpires through the results of that background check we can then discuss further avenues of investigation.
If we understand correctly you may be after previous legal cases involving this person? If this is the case we may be able to assist as many of these cases will be cases we can access to some degree (definitely not all though). This would be included as part of the preliminary background check described above. Timeliness and ultimate cost of any investigation really depends on the quality of information you can provide us in the first place so the above costing is purely a guideline based on our understanding of your email. If your investigation is of another nature just respond here or email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
The Lipstick Team
Minnie jerimiah
Posted at 00:52h, 10 JuneHi my cousain has been missing and no one has heard from him for over ten years his mother said he came to tell her goodbye and that he was coming over to Australia from New Zealand to work in the mines!! No one knows where he is or what has become of him! Could I just get a quote on how much it would cost if I used your services please?
Posted at 11:27h, 10 JuneHi Minnie,
The cost will depend on the quality of the information you provide us to start with. We will assume you have a full name including a middle name, and a date of birth. This is usually enough for us to commence a private investigation. We charge an upfront fee of A$400 to commence the investigation into the location of your cousin. If we can’t locate him then there is nothing further to pay, and we can talk about any additional options that may come to light. assuming we do locate him we charge a ‘success fee’ of another A$400 and the job is complete. We consider the successful location of a person to be the address as sometimes we do not find a contact detail such as a phone number. If we do find some contact details we will pass them across to you.
We also have to consider that your cousin did not come to Australia, or is no longer in Australia. Unfortunately licensed private investigators do not get access to immigration records or flight details so we won’t be able to tell you if he was ever here – we will have to go through the location process as described above to give any indication that he may still be in the country.
If you have any additional questions please feel free to email us direct at at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
The Lipstick Team
James merabi
Posted at 08:09h, 15 NovemberHey,
I need to find a someone, i have his number plate and the city/town and the vehicle information but thats all
Posted at 08:40h, 15 NovemberUnfortunately private investigators do not get access the the registration dastabases so we can’t actually search for number plates. Your inquiry doesn’t mention if you know a name, but if you do we can certainly commence an investigation into locating a person for you. The only other possibility , and it would depend on the size of the town, is to have a surveillance agent in the area and wait until the vehilce is seen – then we can follow the vehicle to an address. Of course this could take many many hours but it is a way to get around the situation.
Get back to us by email at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au if you have any further questions.
The Lipstick Team
Posted at 01:28h, 21 JanuaryHi there
Hope you are all doing well.
Am looking for details of the address of where my brother’s daughter lives with her mother. Also, will you be able to provide clear photos or video footage of the mother of this child? How much do you charge? Please
Posted at 10:34h, 21 JanuaryWe will assume that the daughter is a minor. We do not get any information on minors, so the mother will be our target for location purposes. We will also assume you’ll be able to provide a full name and date of birth. The cost to locate a person works like this. We charge an upfront fee of $400 to take the job on. This amount is non-refundable. We then commence our searches and if we can’t find the person then there is nothing further to pay. If and when we do find them we then charge you an additional $400 ‘success fee’ and then we give you the results. You only pay the 2nd $400 if we locate a guaranteed address for them so it is a results-based investigation. We don’t always get contact details but if we find them during our investigation then we pass them on anyway – a result is considered to be the actual whereabouts of the person. Our success rate in these investigations is probably about 80% for the $400+$400 scenario.
Once we have located the person we can then set about getting some video as requested. Surveillance is just charged by the hour and it is up to you to give us an idea of the hours and days that you want us on the job. The cost is based on an hourly rate of $125 and a 4 hour minimum ($500) applies each time we leave the office. Our hourly rate may be a little higher than most companies but our hourly rate INCLUDES EVERYTHING such as GST, mileage, travel time to and from the job, video, report and regular field updates if required – so it is just a flat hourly rate with no hidden extras at the end.
To get started we need to know the schedule of hours you want to book, and some identifying points of the subject such as photo or description. The rest is up to us. Payment is required in advance so if you book 4 hours we need $500, 10 hours is $1250 and 40 hours is $5000. We can accept credit card or can supply our bank account details for you to make an EFT or cash deposit at a nearby branch. It’s difficult to predict how many hours it will take but if the child goes to school we’d just recommend doing a school morning and see what we see.
If you would like to talk to one of our private investigators about locating a person you can call directly on 1300 LIPSTICK or email us at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Liddy M
Posted at 23:38h, 03 JulyHi
I have a crush on someone I work with and want to know as much as I can about him before I decide to persue anything. Because we work in different teams I don’t get the opportunity to speak to him much. I know his work address, name and possible suburb of where he might live. What kind of information can you provide with this level of info? How much would this cost?
Posted at 14:29h, 04 JulyLiddy,
This is hard to quote on in the first instance because you haven’t indicated if you have any other identifying information on him other than a name. Often we need more than just a first and last name to start searches on a person – we need a middle name and an age or date of birth, or some other piece of relevant to know we are looking at the right person. With 25 million people in Australia we usually have more than one person of a particular name so we have to identify who they are before we can even start working on their background. Just a name and workplace is not enough because we do not get access to employment records.
Identifying a person apart from others usually costs in the vicinity of around $500-800. Then a background check on a person is normally around $1600. And you should be aware that private investigators are not a bypass of the law. We can’t access things like criminal records, tax department, bank accounts or medical information. Ultimately any investigation is solvable, but budget comes into play. Hundreds of thousands of dollars buys more information than $1600.
If you’d like to email us some more information directly to enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au then we might be able to assist with a better idea of costing.
The Lipstick Team.
Liddy M
Posted at 18:12h, 04 JulyThanks I also know his date of birth and can give a photo that’s available on the internet. Does that help?
Posted at 09:33h, 05 JulyYes it does. This should assist us in identifying the person apart from other people of the same name. If you’d like to get started on this private investigation, just email some information directly to enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au and we can get started for you.
The Lipstick Team.
Gerda Smith
Posted at 11:39h, 16 JulyI have the full birth name plus date olso the property he owns in NSW…..HOW MUCH WILL IT COST TO FIND HIS MOBILE NUMBER
Posted at 12:09h, 16 JulyHi Gerda,
We can run the name through a number of databases but unfortunately these databases are not direct suppliers of mobile numbers so it’s not like we have all the phone companies we get information from. Our databases vary but they collect all sorts of information from all over the country and put them together for us to access. not all numbers make it on to these databases. And whilst an address of a property can help, phone numbers are not tied to property ownership.
To start this type of investigation we just charge you $220 in advance. This fee allows us to run the searches. If we can’t get you a result then there is nothing further to pay and all that you have spent to try is $220. If we do find a contact number for the person you pay an additional $220 as a success fee. So in total you will pay $440 for the number, or only $220 if we can’t get it.
If this is something you wish to look into further just drop us a line by email to enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
The Lipstick Team
bunyamin Imre
Posted at 00:39h, 21 Augusthello i wuld like to find out feb 11 2021 speed limit princess hwy corner of police road 9.45 pm how much wuld cost me to find out
Posted at 09:18h, 23 AugustOur charges for a factual investigation such as this are set at a rate of $275 per hour. We would expect that researching this matter would take somewhere between two and four hours to complete. Dealing with government departments can be painfully slow and we would rely on the cooperation of the relevant government entity in this situation which is why we can’t quote an exact figure for you.
If this is something you would like to pursue, please email us directly at enquiries@lipstickinvestigations.com.au
Posted at 19:55h, 19 JulyHello, I wanted to find evidence of someone dealing illicit substance trade in the past. Is this possible?
Posted at 11:55h, 01 AugustMegan,
Unfortunately private investigators do not get access to criminal records or the police databases, so finding information on someone’s criminal past is difficult. We have a limited number of databases that we can search which can give an indication of some sort of criminal past, but details are often thin, and only the fact they have had a run-in with the law is reportable, and not so much the actual offence that occurred or the final outcome. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us at directly at enquiries@liptsickinvestigations.com.au
Posted at 11:52h, 02 JanuaryIs there a way to access a divorce record from 2000s to determine actual divorce date and track down an ex spouse for a version of events relating to the past marriage? Have name and facebook profile of ex spouse, presumed state/city location.
Posted at 12:35h, 02 JanuaryLarry,
Private investigators do not get access to the Office of Births Deaths and Marriages which is the only place where a an official record would be available. There are a few other ways we may be able to work it out but we can’t give you a yes or no answer without being given the oppostuity to look into it. We would only need around 2 hourws work at the desktop research rate of $250 + GST to see if we can get the required information. It is unlikely we would be able to get an exact date of divorce.
If you are just trying to identify the ex-spouse then we can probably do that by other databases for the same charge as desercibed above. Then if it came down to locating the person so that yuo could talk to them, we would have to go through the ‘locate’ process which works like this. We charge an upfront fee of $440 to take on an assignment. This amount is non-refundable, and allows us a budget to carry out our searches. If we can’t find the person then there is nothing further to pay and that’s the end of it. If we do find the person then we charge a success fee of an additional $660 – this is only payable if we get the result. A result is considered an address, although we always endeavour to pass on contact details if we have them listed. The success rate in these situations is about 80%, so we do get a result most of the time. So if we are successful, it costs $1100 per person. If we are unsuccessful you lose your $440 which covers our costs.
Posted at 15:31h, 18 Juneim being stalked and harassed by a group of people in the area outside the apartment i live in. They usually yell a lot and really loudly and sometimes honk, and play police sirens. How much would it cost to find out who they are
Posted at 13:48h, 04 JulyHi John, due to the sensititiy of this sort of private investigation case, we have resonded to you directly.
THe Lipstick Team